Record What You Learn

            The learning pattern “Record What You Learn” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book is mostly self-explanatory from the title. The main concern of someone who gains a lot of knowledge quickly, such as a new software developer, or, in my case, a software development student, is retaining that knowledge. The chapter describes some good ways to track thisContinue reading “Record What You Learn”

Mockito – Using Spies

Seeing as we are continuing our learning with Mockito, specifically going into spies in Mockito, figured it would be worthwhile to do some research into them. I found this article ( from Baeldung by Eugen Paraschiv detailing spy usage and complexities which I found very useful. It begins with a description of spies and thenContinue reading “Mockito – Using Spies”

Craft over Art

            The learning pattern “Craft over Art” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book is one that cuts out a lot of the fluff. Essentially, this pattern boils down to solving problems as a utilitarian rather than an artist. Concerning a customer’s problem, the pattern says there may be the draw towards making something beautiful and letting the craftsmanship creativityContinue reading “Craft over Art”

Sprint 2 Retrospective (Read over/review UpdateGuestInfo for frontend): In the comments, there is detail on how to frontend will function for a guest info update. In case of a new guest or old guest, the ID will be entered first and then the guest will be accessed if they exist. (Implement components/schemas to be used inContinue reading “Sprint 2 Retrospective”

Study the Classics

            In the “Study the Classics” learning pattern of the Apprenticeship Patterns book, the focus is on catching up with the well-known literature or practices in the field when your knowledge of theory is more limited. Luckily, I feel as though Worcester State has prepared me well with a mix of theory and practical, technical skill, but thisContinue reading “Study the Classics”

Stubs vs. Mocks

            Having started to learn about stubs with relation to testing in class, I went to do some further research on the functionality and usefulness of this testing strategy. I found a great deal of articles comparing stubs with mocks and evaluating their differences. I haven’t heard of mock testing before, so this was interesting toContinue reading “Stubs vs. Mocks”

Sweep the Floor

            In the “Sweep the Floor” learning pattern of the Apprenticeship Patterns book focuses on the transition when joining a team. Being the newbie is not an easy task, especially when unsure of your skills, so finding your place and claiming suitable work can be a struggle at times. Since I will hopefully be joining a software developmentContinue reading “Sweep the Floor”