

I am Marcos Felipe, a Computer Science student preparing for the professional world, and this is my place to learn, record, and share all that I can.

Sprint 3 Retrospective

https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/guestinfosystem/community/-/issues/38 Implementing the frontend for guest registration was the overarching goal of mine during the sprint; this encompassed all of the smaller individual parts. https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/guestinfosystem/community/-/issues/53 This was fulfilling the specifications for the guest registration page, including collecting a new guest’s information and displaying/changing an already registered guest’s information. https://gitlab.com/LibreFoodPantry/client-solutions/theas-pantry/guestinfosystem/community/-/issues/41 This was in order to allow…

Record What You Learn

            The learning pattern “Record What You Learn” from the Apprenticeship Patterns book is mostly self-explanatory from the title. The main concern of someone who gains a lot of knowledge quickly, such as a new software developer, or, in my case, a software development student, is retaining that knowledge. The chapter describes some good ways to track this…

Mockito – Using Spies

Seeing as we are continuing our learning with Mockito, specifically going into spies in Mockito, figured it would be worthwhile to do some research into them. I found this article (https://www.baeldung.com/mockito-spy) from Baeldung by Eugen Paraschiv detailing spy usage and complexities which I found very useful. It begins with a description of spies and then…

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